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Croxton Consulting can provide marketing consulting services to companies on a project basis or to supplement marketing and digital teams. We will work with you to develop and implement strategic marketing plans to meet your company’s growth objectives.


Tracy has been in Charlotte since 2000 and previously worked in marketing at Wachovia/Wells Fargo, LendingTree and Ally Bank. She has an extensive background in digital marketing and direct marketing. Tracy has created and implemented marketing plans for new product launches, and set strategies for driving balance growth and lead generation. Prior to moving to Charlotte, she resided in Seattle for 3 years and worked for a boutique advertising agency and T-Mobile. She has broad experience using multiple channels to support customer and acquisition growth: direct marketing, digital, e-commerce and mass media.


Tracy Jenkins, owner
Tracy Croxton Jenkins


Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

Clients:, Cottage Lane Interiors, Leaders Building LeadersRockSalt RestaurantsRaddon a Fiserv companySand Cherry AssociatesRoundPoint MortgageTivoli PartnersLaying It DownSew Fun Parties!

Previous employers: Ally Financial Inc., LendingTree, Wachovia, Copacino+Fujikado, Western Wireless/T-Mobile, Coloplast



University of Virginia - English and Sociology

University of Washington - Certificate in Integrated Marketing Communication


Hometown: Tappahannock, VA (on the Rappahannock River)


Hobbies: Tennis, yoga, hiking, paddle boarding and reading!

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Charlotte, NC 28270

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